Saturday, May 11, 2024

Bob's Chickens Come Home

 But the look more like buzzards to me...r:

After reading your article about the newly discovered deficit at County Government I wish I could say that I'm surprised. I and others have been warning for decades now that no enterprise government or private can simply decree that cost increases do not happen. Budget after budget Bob Ziegelbauer had declared success in holding taxes flat. Yet, even in times of nominal inflation of 2% compounded over a decade the result is nearly a 25% cut in real revenue.

Bob has preened himself as a shrewd businessman but as Ive written so many times before his practices have been more of a shell game than a business plan. Again and again we have seen millions of assets wiped out or liquidated to cover his losses not to mention deferred maintenance. Whether it was selling the then new health care center for pennies on the dollar, chopping up the fair grounds, selling off prime real estate without an appraisal or disappearing millions in cash in his first term assets evaporated as revenue shrunk.

We saw the same thing when he was Manitowoc finance director as his austere budgets cause aged and critical structures to crumble. As if by magic low taxes would fix it all. Then ever playing the curmudgeon proceeded to insult the new administrations that dealt with the challenges he created for them. Yet the city for all its expenditures looks better. Its a better and safer place to live. Things are no longer broken. The sky didnt fall. With two years to go in what hopefully will be his last term the prospects for real reform remain in doubt. One might think he could step aside and allow new leadership in but the current county board is packed with his cronies who blindly rubber stamped it all, Chairman Martel in particular. There can be no question that more progressive leadership will be dealing with his failings for years to come. That is, if we are lucky and if we at long last vote for change.

Board Chair Tyler Martel
Campaigned on Bob's no-tax-hike platform

Bob Ziegelbauer
County Exec.
"... too aggressive on holding down taxes".

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Of Pens And Swords And Bullets And Bombs


"The pen is mightier than the sword."  

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Of  course this does not begin to consider the use of pens (or keyboard) to incite the use of swords or guns or bombs for that matter.

On May 26th 2022 I submitted this letter to the Herald Time Reporter in Manitowoc.  As yet it has not been published.

To the Editor: 

When I spoke out against the bizarre allegations made by then school board candidate Tony Vlastelica against the Manitowoc Library System I was publicly smeared by him as an

Admitted Jan 6 participant

“okgroomer” because in his mind if I didn't accept the his theory that the Library was distributing pornography to children then I must be a pedophile myself. The immediate consequence of that was that my wife began receiving threatening calls on her private mobile phone in the middle of the night from a person deputies quickly identified as a convicted violent drug dealer. Vlastelica was quick to deny having instructed the man to do this. Not directly anyway.

Now in Kiel there was an incident allegedly about “pronouns” only it does not take much imagination to realize that this more than a case of bad grammar. It was harassment the exact nature of which the school district cannot publicly discuss. Enter now the right wing politicians like State Rep. Sortwell and their stalking horse, the Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty selling their particular brand of fear and loathing. The district and the

board are now receiving death and bomb threats. Who gave those orders?

In two cities dozens of people are now dead. Adults and children shot to pieces because the same sort of manufactured outrage over “Replacement Theory” or this theory or that and the over arching theory that heavy weapons can cure what ails you.

So far we have not seen these slaughters up close and personal. These threats and intimidations are the echoes of more distant battles. But they are getting louder and closer. How long before our families are the ones weeping before the TV cameras? Words can be as deadly as bullets when spoken by immoral men. Reject them before the war comes home.


Topps Shooter In Buffalo

Buffalo Topps shooting victims
Uvalde School Shooter
21 dead at Uvalde


Monday, April 18, 2022

MPSD Ethics Complaint

I have maid the following ethics complaint to the Manitowoc Public School District regarding the conduct of member elect Antonio (Tony) Vlastelica.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Say It Ain't Voter Fraud!


Tony Vlastelica has become an interesting character in Manitowoc Politics.  He has formed a political group known as "The Constitutionalists".  that together with his pals Matthew Spaulding and Matthew Phipps have now won effective control of the Manitowoc Public School Board (MPSD).with considerable help from the local GOP.  The board already had a couple crackpot reactionaries appointed by curmudgeon County Exec. Bob Ziegelbauer such as Tyler Martel and GOP County Chair Collin Braunel.  Together they waged their own version of an Infowar assault on both the public school system and the public library claiming that the School district and library were in cahoots to distribute pornography to school kids. (yeah you read that right!)

Constitutionalist HQ
The Constitutionalists show their address to be 314 North 8th Street in Manitowoc which appears to be a pet grooming business called "Daisey Woo".  County records show it to be owned by an individual from Rural Two Rivers.  We have not been able to locate any records that identifies them as either a political party or lobbying group.

Tony (Antonio) appears to own a business known as Contemporary Energy Solutions, LLC which according to his linkedin account is located in Manitowoc Wisconsin.  Only no street address is listed.  Just a PO box.  The only known address for him is his residence at   The business is not a Wisconsin corporation but is registered in Illinois.

What is interesting about this is the address of the officer and registered agent.

State of Illinois Corporate record

Address of Registered Agent

Illinois law requires registered agents of its corporations to reside in the State of Illinois according to Article 2B of Illinois corporate filing laws.

" Who May be a Registered Agent? The registered agent must be either:

     • a person who resides in Illinois, OR 

    • a corporation specifically authorized by its Articles of Incorporation to act as a registered agent and which has an office in Illinois."

So, in Illinois Vlastelica is claiming that he is a resident of Naperville.  In fact an apparent relative lives in the house but that person is not the company's registered agent.  What is even more curious that that the owner is someone named "Teddy Bear".
Who is 'Teddy Bear'?

At the same time Wisconsin law requires all overs and especially candidates to live in the district that they vote in.

So, for purposes of voting and running for office Vlastelica has been claiming to live in Manitowoc while at the same time also claiming to live in Naperville IL to satisfy Illinois corporate law.
Which is it?

All the while he has been doing this he has been siding with former President Trump in claiming that the election was rigged.  

All this is before you consider the crack pot positions he has taken such as claiming that the Public Library has been distributing pornography to minors and therefore wants to stop the school district from distributing library cards to students.     

12.13 Election fraud.
(1)  Electors. Whoever intentionally does any of the following violates this chapter:
(a) Votes at any election or meeting if that person does not have the necessary elector qualifications and residence requirements.
(b) Falsely procures registration or makes false statements to the municipal clerk, board of election commissioners or any other election official whether or not under oath.

UPDATE 4/14/2022

Tony has now transferred the agent status to his mother (Or sister?) living at the same address in Naperville.  However he continues to show his address as "manager" at the same house on Beth Lane in that city.

UPDATE 4/15/22
Yesterday Mr. Vlastelica posted his official response on his facebook campaign page.
Just after midnight one of his supporters made a threatening call to my wife's cell phone which I reported to the police.  The man said his name was Jonathan however the officer said they had tracked him down and his real name was Julian Valdez, a convicted criminal on probation.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Speaking Up Against "Plandemic" - just to make sure you can read it

I am reprinting this article here because at least one person claimed that the original web page was not fully readable.  I don't know if I believe this or not but to at least give those people the benefit of the doubt here is the text of the article with my apologies to Forbes.

Here is the link to the original.
By now you’ve probably heard about or even seen the video “Plandemic” that’s been spreading like wildfire through social media networks. This article is not the one you should give to your friend or relative or coworker who shared the video. (If you want that article, you won’t find a better one than this one from Beth Skwarecki at Lifehacker: “If You Found That ‘Plandemic’ Video Convincing, Read This Too.”)
This is an article for those who recognized the video as rife with conspiracy theories, misinformation and false claims, those who are frustrated and unsettled and disappointed in who they see sharing it, and those who want to know what to say when they see it. It explains why the video is successful, how to recognize propaganda like this for what it is, and explain why it is so, so, so important to speak up about this particular video.
What IS this video? 
Plandemic interviews a scientist who was appropriately discredited for scientific misconduct and fraud. She is a known, established anti-vaccine advocate (despite her denial in the film), and she presents a long list of unsupported statements that involve COVID-19, various vaccines, HIV/AIDS, Anthony Fauci, pharmaceutical company collusion and other elements of an elaborate, long-running cover-up. It’s a doozy, checking nearly every box in the long list of conspiracy theories and disinformation circulating about the coronavirus. 
Why did my smart, thoughtful, informed friend share this?
    What’s most upsetting to many people is who they see sharing it: reasonable, intelligent people who normally don’t fall for conspiracy theories or pseudoscience. What is going on?
    Many people who are privately or casually sharing it are saying, “This is interesting. What do you think of it?” Most genuinely don’t know what to make of it. They aren’t trying to spread misinformation. They’re not the types to believe or share conspiracy theories. They’re taken in by the video’s slick appearance and by its use of persuasive techniques and really want to know what you think, so you need to approach them respectfully about it. (We’ll get to that.)
    Why is this video suddenly everywhere? Why are so many drawn to it?
    This video has been extremely successful at promoting misinformation for three reasons: First, it taps into people’s uncertainty, anxiety and need for answers—common reasons anyone is attracted to a conspiracy theory. Second, it is packaged very professionally and uses common conventions people already associate with factual documentaries. Third, it successfully exploits ancient but extremely effective methods of persuasion.
     There is more uncertainty about our world right now than there has been in decades, perhaps a century, and the stakes are higher than ever. Everyone has so many unanswered questions—including scientists, doctors, national leaders and others we ordinarily look to for answers. Uncertainty is uncomfortable. People want answers. Conspiracy theories can be comforting. This video appears to provide answers that fit together, that seem to make sense, that sound credible, or at least “interesting and worth considering.” (That’s the hook. Next is the line.)
    The video looks, sounds and feels like a documentary even though it isn’t
    Plandemic is part of a disturbingly successful trend in which deep-pocketed purveyors of pseudoscience produce slick, professional videos as credible-appearing documentaries. The lighting, narrative structure, the pacing, use of imagery, camera angles, editing techniques—these are all common documentary filmmaking conventions that we’ve come to associate with factual information.
    The people producing this video know what they’re doing, and they’re very good at it. On a subconscious level, no matter what words are being said, this video feels factual simply because of how it was produced. It’s intentionally manipulative. It’s a textbook example of effective propaganda. (That’s the line. Next is the sinker.)
    This video successfully employs “pathos” and “ethos” to persuade people
    Aristotle introduced a concept over two thousand years ago that remains more relevant than ever: modes of persuasion, or rhetorical appeals. The three main appeals speakers can use to persuade others are ethos, pathos and logos.
    Ethos is an appeal to the credibility and authority of the speaker, how they come across. The entire first third of Plandemic is dedicated to setting Judy Mikovits up as a trustworthy expert on everything the video will discuss. She sounds and looks calm, collected and competent. She uses scientific but understandable language. She tells a personal story that helps viewers connect with her and with the interviewer, who also comes across as compassionate, thoughtful and empathetic. 
    The video doesn’t make a scientific argument or mention COVID-19 yet—the only purpose of the first 8-10 minutes is get the audience to trust Mikovits. The problem is that most people will not have heard of Mikovits before this video. This is their first impression of her, and first impressions are very powerful. When people later hear she is anti-vaccine and that she falsified data, it will be harder for them to believe it. They already know she was accused of those things, but she and the interviewer convincingly make the case that she was innocent and framed. The filmmakers have so strongly invested in ethos that it will be hard for someone watching Mikovits for the first time to disregard their first impression of her as a wronged woman. 
    Pathos is an appeal to emotion. The video appeals to viewers’ emotions by portraying Mikovits as a victimized underdog and by repeatedly using stock video of harrowing images, such as patients dying from AIDS and malnourished children in Africa. The video claims people are dying because they cannot get the appropriate treatments they need, appealing to viewers’ sense of injustice. The video even uses stock images of a SWAT team arrest to make it look like she was arrested at home in a major operation—but that’s unrelated stock footage. In fact, Mikovits turned herself in without incident.
    Logos is an appeal to facts and logic. This is where the film falls flat—but it doesn’t matter to many people because it so successfully uses ethos and pathos. For logos, the film takes intuitive ideas or those with a kernel of truth to them, and it twists them and amplifies them into exaggerated, false claims that sound reasonable because they’re familiar. (The claim that staying home will weaken our immune systems without enough exposure to microbes is false, but it sounds reasonable because it builds on the hygiene hypothesis, which does have evidence.)
    Instead of reasoned arguments with supportive evidence, the film uses a common debating strategy called the gish gallop. This technique overwhelms the audience with so many assertions and arguments at one time, without regard to how strong or true they are, that it’s impossible to keep up with them or refute them all. It’s usually pointless to try because it’s the nonstop bombardment of statements coming at you that makes it effective. (This is partly why debunking this video isn’t a productive use of time.)
    The video also uses images of sciencey things—labs, cells, scientific experiments, pictures of studies—to substitute for logos. They look credible and factual whether they actually support the argument or not.
    Hook, line, and sinker.
    So what do you do when someone shares it?
    First, don’t call them or the video crazy. Don’t chide them or mock them for sharing it. And don’t insist they delete it immediately or tell people not to watch it—that just makes it forbidden fruit, which is all the more attractive. (The filmmakers are already successfully using that strategy by telling people it will get taken down, and it has—for copyright infringement since it uses several video clips without permission.)
    They probably really want your opinion because they trust you. Don’t violate that trust right off the bat. Use it. How you use it depends on what you know about them already and what’s worked in the past. Science communicator and social scientist Liz Neeley has a fantastic piece at The Atlantic on how to talk to people about science—and misinformation—without alienating them. Go read it. Seriously. It will help you.
    You might ask what they find so persuasive about it and move on from there, addressing those specifics.
    You could also discuss how to know whether Mikovits really is an expert or not. Instead of just dropping a link, explain that it’s impossible for her to be an expert in all the different topics she covers in that video—that’s not how scientific expertise works.
    Emily Willingham, PhD, a science journalist and developmental biologist (and my co-author on a book we published in 2016), has an excellent public post on Facebook about how to vet experts for actually having expertise in a particular area. Having a PhD in biology doesn’t make someone an expert in all of biology. No one human can know all that. 
    “Some people with advanced degrees are perfectly willing to elide their expertise or overreach on their claims just to get attention,” Willingham writes. And she makes this extremely important point that’s relevant to the final moment in Plandemic when a clip of Fauci warning about an inevitable pandemic in the coming years is used to suggest he caused it: “Science and the process of scientific discovery are never about one giant. Evidence is incremental, data can be slow to come in. But people with expertise collectively know what’s on the horizon here and have been warning about it for years. They were informed by history and their own training, their understanding of how novel infectious disease would behave in a globally connected society. No one—NO SINGLE PERSON—is going to have a sudden insight or make some clever connection no one else has considered or uncover some vast deep conspiracy that has eluded the other 7.7 billion people on Earth.” 
    If all you do have the energy to do is drop a link in response to the video, this is the one to drop—it’s the article version of what my article recommends: If You Found That ‘Plandemic’ Video Convincing, Read This Too.”
    If they like reading long articles debunking it, there are plenty to choose from. I’ll list some at the bottom. But a systematic debunking of the video isn’t likely to be successful. Talking about it and why it’s persuasive might be.
    Why should I bother saying anything at all? Can’t I just ignore it? 
    Conspiracy theories like those in this video are actively, directly harmful and dangerous. They can influence people’s behavior in ways that harm those people and public health—including you personally—in general. We can’t afford to let these ideas run unchecked. 
    If you don’t push back on them, even to those you love or don’t want to upset, you’re enabling them. You’re allowing people to spew harmful, dangerous nonsense that kills people and demoralizes the millions of health care providers trying to save lives.
    Many people try to avoid drama or debates on their social media accounts, and I respect that. But this video is not a time to “agree to disagree” because the stakes are too high. It’s a matter of life and death. The false statements in this video can cause deaths.
    If they share it on your Facebook wall, address it. If you see them share it on their walls, address it. You don’t have to debate all night—that’s not productive for either of you. Maybe you just make a couple points and drop it. But don’t let it go unchallenged.
    Should you unfriend them? That depends.
    I know many people just don’t have the energy right now to push back—we’re all strung out, burnt out, stressed, and tired—so be strategic about what you can tolerate. You might need to say, “I’m sorry, I care about you as a person, but I cannot allow you to share dangerous, harmful misinformation about a life or death situation, so I will need to unfriend you until the pandemic is over.” 
    Or, maybe it’s vital that they remain connected to you because your posts are some of the only good sources of accurate information they have which might penetrate their bubble. Maybe you can’t afford to sever a relationship during a time with so much isolation already. It’s your call.
    Whatever you do, speak up at least once. The stakes are too high not to—for all of us. We all have a social responsibility to push back against dangerous, harmful information, now more than ever. 
    Does speaking up even matter? Will it make a difference? Yes.
    You might not convince them the video is conspiracy theory nonsense. That’s fine. That may not be the goal. But here are three things you accomplish by speaking up even if you know you’ll “lose” the battle:
    • Others see you push back. They’ll get accurate information and see you calmly, maturely responding to the false statements. Ethos! 
    • Seeing you speak up erodes the bystander effect, typically used to explain why people are less likely to help in an emergency if others are around. If someone makes a racist comment and no one speaks up, others don’t want to be the first. So be the first—and it inspires and emboldens other people to push back on their walls too. Speaking against misinformation is contagious in a good way. If you do it, they realize they can and should too. And if they didn’t know what to say before, they can copy/paste what you said and use that.
    • Speaking up normalizes factual information and contributes to the mere exposure effect: the more a person is exposed to an idea, the more it becomes familiar and credible, no matter what the idea is. The more they hear it from you and others, over and over, the more they may gradually, unconsciously start to recognize the logical holes and embrace factual information. It won’t happen overnight or because of one person, and they’ll think it was their idea when it happens. But it can happen.
    Where can I get a good debunking of it all?
    Note: Some hyperlinks are not showing up on mobile, so I’ve added the complete URL for each link for copying/pasting.
    —Beth Skwarecki’s Lifehacker article is an excellent, thoughtful debunking: If You Found That ‘Plandemic’ Video Convincing, Read This Too.”
    —For a truly exhaustive claim-by-claim correction, this Google Doc from fire and emergency management educator Jim Chaffee includes sources to support every correction.
    —Retraction Watch, a scientific misconduct watchdog site, has an excellent brief piece about Judy Mikovits that includes links to their past posts on her: “Who is Judy Mikovits?”
    —“The anti-vaxx agenda of 'The Plandemic’” at The Big Think describes seven conspiracy theories “baked into” Plandemic.
    —Politifact has a pretty extensive fact-check on the video’s claims: “Fact-checking ‘Plandemic’: A documentary full of false conspiracy theories about the coronavirus.”
    —“Why People Cling To Conspiracy Theories Like ‘Plandemic’” from meteorologist Marshall Shepherd at Forbes offers other reasons people are drawn to conspiracy theories.
    —For the most comprehensive rundown of Mikovits’ history you could ever ask for, see “Judy Mikovits in Plandemic: An antivax conspiracy theorist becomes a COVID-19 grifter” at the Respectful Insolence blog.
    —Snopes always does a thorough job: “Was a Scientist Jailed After Discovering a Deadly Virus Delivered Through Vaccines?”
    —Want to know the real story on what happened to Mikovits? Read this Nature piece and this Science and
    —An incredibly thorough list of all Mikovits’ misdeeds and mistruths is available on this Facebook post from Ross Grayson; it also includes links to more helpful articles.

    —Finally, this blog post by Liz Ditz compiles all the articles she has been able to find that address the video’s misinformation.

    Tuesday, April 30, 2019

    Why I Hate A County Sales Tax - a letter to the Manitowoc County Board

    To:Todd Holschbach,Dave Nickels,Rita Metzger,Jim Brey,John Brunner
    Cc:Jessica Backus,Todd Reckelberg,JJ Gutman,Gerry Neuser,Marc Holsen,Peter Conrad,Mary Thomsen,Ronald Kossik
    Feb 8 at 10:55 AM
    Bob Ziegelbauer doesn't believe in infation
    I agree tha the County has been mismanaged for a long time now.  Bob's badge of honor has been his so called fiscal conservative-ism and until just recently bragged consistently that he has held taxes flat.  Unfortunately this is a fiscal fantasy that we have seen played out not only here but at the state, in particular at the State DOT where the Legislature (which I believe then included Bob) decided to remove indexing the gas tax to inflation.  Republicans do not believe in inflation so without considering the obviously rising cost of doing business in the real world, they implement these policies that have train wrecked much of the State's budgeting from Madison on down to the towns.  

    There is a lot of talk about running government running like a private business.  I suggest that there is no private business that would even consider the artificial constraint of the operating costs by this sort of fiat without the recognition that prices rise and that they would instead neglect their facilities for decades in stubborn delusion that they can hold their budget to that of twenty years ago.

    At the same time they have cut revenue sharing to local governments.  Every town chair I have spoken to and all of those quoted in the Valders Journal have mentioned this as a cause for concern regardless of party affiliation.  In yesterday's paper there is an article about Town of Cato considering the abandonment of single user roads including one that serves a commercial farm citing those cuts.  They are not the only town to turn to that.  At the same time Cato is struggling with a serious issue with the Clarks Mills dam with little or no help from the State, yet what happens to that dam ill impact a major segment of the county up and down the river including Cato Falls Park.  It should not fall entirely on them to deal with this but before the County can help it needs to get its fiscal act together.

    Beyond the cuts to revenue sharing and despite Walkers "tools" to take it out of the hides of municipal workers and teachers the Republican Legislature has handcuffed local governments by mandating strict limits on property tax increases which Im sure most would agree was nothing more than attempt to paper over the real effects of their revenue sharing cuts.  Once again, that artificial limit is below the rate of inflation which if real budgetary needs were addressed would have to be implemented every single year just to keep up with the actual cost of doing business.  In almost every year except in times of recession the real inflation rate has exceeded 2%.  Compounded annually this means that over the last decade until this year a we have experienced a real dollar cut to services nearing 25%, something that if overtly proposed at the outset would have never been considered.  Never the less, that is the reality of the cumulative budgeting of this executive and passively agreed to by successive boards (not the mention the State Legislature and now former Governor).

    Of course the promise of all the fiscal conservancy is that prosperity will result.  Nowhere is that less true than Manitowoc County.  A recent article in the Capitol Times showed an economic survey that showed a net contraction of the working age population county by county and Manitowoc showed a net contraction of the exact segment of the population that generate the ability to fund government.  As a result property values are at least as stagnant as the budget which means that county and city revenues have been largely flat with only a few exceptions.  The "Dark Store" loop hole which Republicans have refused to end is cutting into the justification for expending funds to support new stores like Meijer and Panera for which he carved up the fair grounds on a no-bid sale even as the Executive and the Mayor bicker over how to fund the infrastructure.  Apparently Bob needed those funds pretty badly - another clue that the County is in trouble.

    Another clue to that trouble is his proposal to (yet again) sell off county land in a no-bid sale without the necessary due diligence in extracting the maximum value for the taxpayers from that land.  This has been a repeating pattern with the Executive.  Beginning with the no-bid sale of the MCHCC at a net nine million dollar loss to taxpayers.  Even if you accept the alleged annual losses of that center as a fact (I do not) there was absolutely no justification for the fire sale price of six million.  Certainly there have been several new such facilities built in Manitowoc since that time, all for full value.  All for considerably more than six million and all appear to be making a go of it.

    Another appalling example has been the aforementioned destruction of the County Expo grounds - again a no bid sale.  The alleged trust fund is little more than an attempt to get it off the county books as fast and as much as possible which unfortunately had the effect of crippling the facility and cementing it in a now terrible location that will in my opinion eventually bring about its demise.

    Now we see the same approach to the sale of the farmland even though one parcel is right on the I-43 corridor and prime for commercial development.  Bob simply wants to take the first offer with not even a hint of curiosity as to its real value or other fiscal considerations.  I suggest that at the offered price the County is better off not selling it at all.  Consider the current rental rate of (what I believe to be $140/acre)  Then consider that the State's mandate that farmland be taxed for its use value and not market value.  A simple calculation shows that the County would be better off continuing to rent the land out rather than hope in any  increased revenue due to putting it on the tax roles.  As a farmland owner myself I can assure you this is not even a close decision.

    *Note:  The board has since wisely rejected this. 

    Beyond that according to information previously provided by Maura, the Executive  plans on simply dumping the cash into next years budget I suppose to avoid another tax increase.  Only that cash wont even cover the cost of inflation for next year much less the interest on his proposed borrowing.  I take this as the third clue that he knows the county is in deep trouble.  Any capital sale should go to offset other capital expenditures and not a one time flush of cash into expenses.  It is effectively breaking up the County's furniture to heat the courthouse.

    Rather, for the I-43 property in particular the possibility of promoting it for commercial development has to be the first consideration.  Wtih the departure of any number of business in recent times this should be the top priority for any government official, not using what remains of county property as an ATM.

    Contrast this with the City's acquisition of the old CNR rail yard along the river.  Certainly this is a positive development and will yield results for the County as well.  The County needs to make at least some attempt to restart support for economic development since clearly the current Exec's sole focus on low taxes have been an epic failure.

    All this said, I do not support the county sales tax.  
    Having spent 30 odd years in the IT industry maintaining systems that include sales tax accounting systems and there is little accountability in the collection and payment of that tax.  I can virtually guarantee that few local business correctly calculate and report it much less pay the required "use tax" or even know that it exists.  There are so many exemptions to sales taxes such as farm use that it is nearly impossible to track correctly and the State no longer effectively audits this due to cuts in State auditing capacity.

    It also puts a higher burden on people with fixed income who either own no taxable property or pay relatively little on modest homes.  The idea that there is a bonanza to be had in getting revenue from people outside the county to kick in as they come to Manitowoc to shop is largely a myth since other communities all have the same chain stores we now have and more people travel to larger cities for shopping and entertainment.  Certainly the free skate that internet sales from companies like Amazon get while nearly no one pays the aforementioned use tax will continue to deplete sales tax revenues in the future.  Increasingly the only revenue to be had from it will be on necessities that for practical concerns will be purchased locally which means a disproportional burden on those least able to pay.

    Bob is actually correct in pointing out that State statute requires that county sales tax only be used as an offset for property tax which for the reason above I regard as counter productive in who it is actually seeking to "relieve"  from taxation.  Certainly the Mayor's proposal for the county to use the money to repair neglected city streets (Nickels has committed many of the same fiscal sins as the Exucutive) would be an unprecedented and illegal use of what are otherwise County funds.

    I say all this as a significant owner of property in this county including the City of Manitowoc.

    Better alternatives exist.

    1.  Insist that a series of future budgets at least keep steady with inflation by incrementally increasing property taxes at the maximum amount allowed under state caps.

    2.  Consider a county referendum for a larger a larger  tax increase to fully fund the entire list of overdue repairs and maintenance of our infrastructure thus minimizing interest costs - a legitimate aspect of real fiscal conservancy.

    3. Forbid the sale by statute if necessary of any county property in no-bid sales without due diligence to maximize the value for taxpayers considering not only the sale price but the long term fiscal impact on revenue and economic activity and potential growth.  Under no circumstances should real property be sold to cover current expenses.

    4. The County needs to reestablish the EDC and return to a policy of promoting actual growth, not the mythical and entirely non-existent growth of our cuttent low tax policies.

    5.  The county needs to lobby the Legislature to remove the shackles of State meddling in local budgets as well as restoring previous levels of income tax based revenue sharing instead of using those funds to patch its own deficits and ballooning budgets.  This should include the repeal of Act 10 which robbed millions from out local economy while delivering nothing.


    Bernard J. (Bernie) Starzewski
    4823 Greendale Rd.
    Valders Wi. 54245